
BioSig-ID and BioSight-ID make up an identity verification system that is being used by Cohoama 社区 College to meet federal government and academic accreditation 规则.  These 规则 require that we verify the identity of students who are taking 类.  It helps prevent intruders who may use stolen identity information, commit financial aid fraud, or take advantage of the system by cheating, which devalues everyone’s degrees and causes people to question the work of honest students.

您将遇到的系统的第一部分是BioSig-ID.  它的运作方式是 类似于用于解锁智能手机的指纹传感器.  然而,与其 using your fingerprint to prove who you are, BioSig-ID identifies you with a 4 character 用鼠标或触摸板绘制的密码. 

  • The 4 character passcode can be numbers or letters that you will draw with your mouse, stylus, or finger, similar to the way you sign your name on an electronic credit card 机.  
  • Your unique drawing patterns eliminates impostor login and sharing of passwords to 防止欺诈和欺骗.

Once you have completed this process, you will be required to re-enter your passcode 在课程的不同阶段.

The SECOND part of the system, BioSight-ID, is an automated proctoring solution that 补充传统的现场监考方法.  

  • It uses the student's webcam to record images during a testing event, but blurs faces 和背景,以防止隐私问题.
  • 当BioSight-ID检测到 a violation, it will flag those images to be reviewed by Cohoama 社区 College 管理员查看是否有问题.


  • First, you will be asked to create a BioSig-ID passcode consisting of four letters or numbers that you draw with your mouse or on a touchpad or touch screen.  
  • Next, 你将创建 a backup Click-ID password and enter your new passcode several 验证时间.


  • The first time you access one of these protected assignments, you will be asked to register and enroll in the software by creating two passwords.
    • 会抽出一个
    • And the other will be based on clicks on a keyboard on your screen.  
  • You will be required to recreate these passwords before certain assignments throughout 这门课.  
  • You’ll know these assignments because they will say “Protected by BioSig” next to 模块中的项.  
  • It is important to remember the passwords you create within this new system because 您将在所有CCC课程中使用相同的内容.  
  • We suggest you take a screenshot or use another method to remember the two passwords 你将创建.

You will not be able to access some of your assignments without these two passwords. 

TIP #1:Choose something simple like your birthdate, phone number, or the first four 你名字的字母. What's important about your passcode is the way you write it, 并不是说很难猜测.

提示2:注意你的密码是怎么画的. 如果你用三笔画来 draw a letter the first time, and then two strokes to write the letter the next time, 它不匹配,你将不得不重新开始.


学生 will disabilities which inhibit their ability to use any of these products should contact Disabilities 支持服务 for options on how to meet these course 需求.

你亦可浏览生物识别技术帮助网站: http://help.biosig-id.com/portal/en/kb/biosigid and as always, please let us know if you need any other help by emailing elearning@fnfyt.com.


The BioSig-ID system uses forensics and anti-fraud tools to ensure the person who enrolls and completes work in a course is the person who receives the credit.  事件 that are considered a violation will be logged and reviewed by Cohoama 社区 College 管理员.


In addition to the non-proctoring tools that are built into 这门课s, the proctoring solution (BioSight-ID) will be used as an alternative to traditional live proctoring 方法.  It uses the student's webcam to record images during a testing event, but 模糊的面孔和背景,以防止隐私问题.  当BioSight-ID检测到 a violation, it will flag those images to be reviewed by Cohoama 社区 Collegee 管理员查看是否有问题.

The following guidelines will help to ensure that academic 保持诚信 与现场监考的方式相同. 遵守这些指导方针 may be evaluated by the instructor, the Director of 网络学习, or the appropriate Dean or Vice President up to two weeks after a testing event’s completion. 

If a student is deemed to be cheating in any way, he/she may have their virtual proctoring 特权撤销.  In addition, the college may require the student to retest in person, or the student may receive a zero for the assignment with no retest allowed (根据大学目录中的抄袭/作弊 & 学生手册).


  • The student must follow all of the steps through which the virtual proctoring software 将指导他/她包括但不限于:
    • 在一个明亮的区域进行测试
    • 清理物料工作空间
    • 关闭所有电脑程序
    • 拍摄有照片的身份证
    • 拍摄照片
    • 共享屏幕
    • 时刻保持面子
    • 关掉手机和其他设备


  • 学生必须在书桌或桌子前坐直.  一边测试一边放下意志 不允许.
  • Unless approved as an ADA accommodation, students are not allowed to eat or drink 在测试时.
  • Unless approved as an ADA accommodation, students are not allowed to leave the webcam 任何原因的录音窗口,包括上厕所.
  • Loud music, television, or other distractions in the background will 不允许.
  • No other people, including children, are allowed to be in the same room with the student 当测试正在进行时.  这包括学生是否不看屏幕 跟镜头外的人说话.
  • Use of cellular phones or other electronic device for any reason is completely prohibited.
  • If the student excessively stares or moves his/her eyes off-screen, he/she may be 被认为是作弊.
  • 亵渎或淫秽是不允许的.

Thank you for following the virtual proctoring guidelines to ensure that academic 保持诚信.